OpenVPN on EC2 in Under 15 Minutes
After a frustrating number of gotchas in setting up OpenVPN on EC2, I decided to document, automate, and test the process.
Share Password-Protected Secrets Using End-to-End Encryption in a Browser
A couple of years ago I was looking for a solution that would allow me to share password-protected content with my mom. At the time, most of the solutions I found were clunky (e.g. share a password protected PDF), infeasible (e.g. she would need to have an account on the site as well), or required that I trust them (e.g. handing over my data to the site in a way that they could read it if they chose).
Excluding Folders Within Dropbox from Syncing
While I was setting up a laptop with Ubuntu 19.10 for development, Dropbox was consuming 100% of a CPU core and devouring battery each time I set up a new Python virtual environment with virtualenv. While not the end of the world, it did seem like a waste to let Dropbox synchronize directories that I could recreate with a single command. The same issue exists for
in npm projects and build artifacts in just about any coding project.
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